
公開日 2022年03月04日





日本トラウマティック・ストレス学会 会長 中島聡美
国際交流委員会 委員長 重村淳


 2022年 2月、ウクライナに対してロシア軍による軍事侵攻が行われ、多くの死傷者、難民が発生しています。亡くなられた方々に心からの哀悼の意を表します。トラウマケアに携わる者として、私たちは、いかなる状況においても人々の生命、精神を脅かす暴力を認めることはできません。子どもたちの平安な日々、愛し合う家族や友人たちとの幸せな日常、すべては今破壊されつつあります。戦争によるトラウマは極めて長期であり、悲しみと破壊しかもたらしません。日本はかつて多くの戦争を経験し、今もまだその戦争の心の傷に苦しむ方々がいることを知っております。さらには、ウクライナと日本はともに原子力発電所事故を経験しています。現在ウクライナで起こっていることに、私たちは無関心ではいられません。






Statement by the Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies on the Military Invasion of Ukraine


Satomi Nakajima, President, Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
Jun Shigemura, Chairperson, International Exchange Committee, Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies


 In February 2022, Russian forces conducted a military invasion of Ukraine, resulting in many casualties and refugees. We would express our sincere condolences to those who have lost their lives. As trauma care workers, we cannot accept violence that threatens people's lives or minds under any circumstances. Peaceful childhoods, happy days with beloved family and friends--are all now being destroyed. The trauma of war is an extremely long-term affliction that results only in grief and destruction. Japan has experienced many wars, and we know that there are still those who suffer from the emotional scars of those conflicts. Furthermore, Ukraine and Japan have both experienced nuclear power plant accidents. We cannot remain indifferent to what is currently happening in Ukraine.

 The Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (JSTSS) supports the Ukrainian medical and psychological care providers currently assisting the care of victims and refugees, along with the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS). The President of the JSTSS sent a message of support to the chairperson of the ESTSS.

 Information about the impact of viewing current media reports on the invasion is available at the JSTSS website. We will also consider disseminating information on war-related trauma and its care, given the potential involvement of Trauma Society members in assisting Japanese expatriates, refugees, and others affected by the conflict.

 We can expect that members of the Society will interact with Ukrainians residing in Japan, their families, and acquaintances who need mental health care in their respective clinical settings. We hope that your professional skills and warm support will reach those concerned. At the same time, we are also concerned about unspoken prejudice and discriminatory actions against Russian residents and those related to them. We would ask you to pay special attention to the protection and care of those close to you who have a relationship with that country.

 We sincerely pray that a peaceful resolution will be reached—not by force of arms, but by the collective wisdom of humankind, that the war will end as soon as possible, and that the people affected will be able to regain peace of mind and safety.



