About Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies(JSTSS)
Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (JSTSS) is a professional membership organization devoted to advancement of understanding of traumatic stress and treatment of the affected people, through exchange of scientific knowledge and clinical experience. JSTSS is comprised of various professionals undertaking trauma research, treatment, and support.
Established on March 2, 2002, JSTSS consists of more than 1,000 members as of 2008. JSTSS holds annual conferences every spring and publishes a biannual academic journal, Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress. JSTSS attaches importance to the international collaboration and promotes liaison with professionals in Asian neighboring countries as well as all around the world. JSTSS is an affiliated society of International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), sending delegates to the ISTSS annual Congress, and was a co-organizer of the World Congress on Traumatic Stress in 2006.
Thank you for your heartwarming support
On March 11, an unprecedented earthquake and tsunami struck this country. The catastrophe is too devastating, and the damage just keeps on growing. We are very grateful to all the individuals and organizations, especially International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (http://www.istss.org/), for their support and sympathies. We have launched a special committee, chaired by Dr. Hiroshi Kato, to support the people that are affected by this disaster. We would appreciate your continued assistance in this difficult period.
Japanese Society for Traumatic Stress Studies